Artist Statement

I paint because I find that expressing or ‘externalizing’ my sense of what is beautiful, balanced, intriguing and necessary has an interesting reciprocal relationship to my life. I am forced to look at what those things mean in all areas of my life. Am I balanced in my approach to health? To time? To hospitality? Is my relationship with people beautiful? Is my home? The way I carry myself? Do I have harmony in my soul? Do I offer it to others? Do I appreciate the uniqueness each person brings to life? Do I understand that what is necessary may not be altogether comfortable? And what about a flow in the other direction; can expressing myself artistically cultivate those qualities I most value?

I am challenged as I paint. At one time, I had a clear subject matter in mind. Now, I may have only a word – perhaps not even that! What I have before me is possibility – the proverbial ‘empty canvas’. What I have is process – a ‘call and response’, layers, revisions, resolution. When I am full of what I value, this overflows to my work. Painting is always the land of tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will show up and perhaps I will create something more beautiful, balanced, intriguing and necessary than today.

And perhaps, that will be a gift to someone else.